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Keep in touch with the Stung Sen project on Facebook! Weekly news on the Stung Sen river basin, from Trapeang Prasat to Kampong Chhnang: rain events, droughts, flooding, resources management, monitoring…

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The Stung Sen project

Since 2012, the Stung Sen project aims to initiate an integrated water resources management in Cambodia, thanks to the Stung Sen pilot basin, in order to preserve the lake quality and the associated economy, environment and livelihood of the Cambodian.

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The River basin committee

The river basin committee was officially created in 2015, and gathers the different stakeholders of the water resources management in the Stung Sen basin, in order to enable a sound participative project.

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Find many usefull information and documents on the Stung Sen project: leaflets, reports, publications on hydrology, regulation and legislation documents,…

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Our research action

The Tonle Sap Authority team is leading multiple research project on the river basin: hydrography mapping of Tonle Sap sub-basins, survey on drinking water access on the Stung Sen basin…

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About Us

The Stung Sen IWRM project develops integrated water resources management on the Stung Sen pilot basin in Cambodia. Since 2012, this project aims to protect and manage water resources thanks to the elaboration of a participatory process with the creation of the Stung Sen river basin committee and the implementation of river basin management plan.

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Message from Minister

Message from Minister

What is the original IWRM model that could respond better to specificities of the Cambodian context?

Minister of MOWRAM, H.E. LIM Kean Hor, presented his vision of IWRM development in Cambodia during the first Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) meeting on 3rd of September 2018. As said by the Minister, it is now a priority for the country to develop a common methodology as Cambodia is already facing water management issues and the situation could get worst in the future. Expressed by the metaphor of “the search of the tailored hat that could fit with such a special head”, the priority according to the Minister is to find the most suitable IWRM model for the Cambodian context. MOWRAM has a clear vision of the current water resources issues, on floods and water scarcity, and of the solutions that need to be implemented. The construction of an IWRM Cambodian model is now a main objective of the Ministry.

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